​American Tech Giants Moving from Silicon Valley to Texas

​American Tech Giants Moving from Silicon Valley to Texas | reesmarxGLOBAL

For more than two decades, California’s Silicon Valley has been the global epicenter of technological innovation. If you were a business in the tech sector and you were not headquartered somewhere in the region or in San Francisco, you were not a member of the elite corporations that called California home. Some of the largest […]

What Can We Learn About Corporate Culture from Leading Technology Companies?

What Can We Learn About Corporate Culture from Leading Technology Companies? | reesmarxGLOBAL

In an increasingly competitive global business environment, your greatest business asset is the ability to attract the talent that will help your organization grow.  But we know that finding qualified candidates to join your team is only the beginning; businesses must foster a positive work environment and corporate culture to retain them. How important is […]

Netherlands Means Opportunity for Talented Technology Professionals

Netherlands Means Opportunity for Talented Technology Professionals | reesmarxGLOBAL

If there is one country that is experiencing high technology growth and demand, it is the Netherlands.  A quick search on job boards and you will quickly see how many qualified technology professionals are needed in the country. While being bilingual is a definite asset for professionals, it’s not always required given the demand for […]

What is a Data Scientist and How Can They Help Your Business Grow?

What is a Data Scientist and How Can They Help Your Business Grow? | reesmarxGLOBAL

You have heard the term ‘big data’ and the implications that it has for virtually every business sector.  From internet security to web development, marketing, and advertising, fin-tech products and services and much more.  Businesses are constantly collecting valuable data, and they need someone with the technical skills and analytical talent, to take that information […]

What Will It Take to Recruit More Women to STEM Careers?

What Will It Take to Recruit More Women to STEM Careers? | reesmarxGLOBAL

Did you know that less than 30% of STEM positions worldwide, are held by women?  In our current global business environment, with the fast pace evolution and digital transformation of business, the future success of organizations depends on recruiting as much technology talent as possible. And yet, women are still underrepresented in this high-growth sector. […]

7 Career Advancement Strategies for Technology Professionals

7 Career Advancement Strategies for Technology Professionals | reesmarxGLOBAL

In almost every high-growth business market, technology professionals are in high demand, as businesses migrate to more complex operational needs to stay competitive in the global market.  The technology sector is constantly evolving and innovating, and professionals employed in IT, security, software development or management roles must keep pace with the rapid changes, to remain […]

Does a Career Pivot to a New Technology Role Make Sense? Experts say ‘Yes’

reesmarx | Global Recruitment and Business Expansion

Does a Career Pivot to a New Technology Role Make Sense? Experts say ‘Yes’ Forrester released a report in September 2017, which confirmed what IT and technology professionals already knew from experience; it’s a good time to be employed in the tech sector.  The report indicated that global purchases of software, hardware and services by both private […]

The Impact of A.I. on Recruitment

reesmarx | Global Recruitment and Business Expansion

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way we work and means that technology can now undertake a number of tasks, once performed by humans. This has received mixed reviews in recent years. Many are concerned about the future of certain jobs as AI continues to evolve and increasingly finds its way into the workplace. In […]

New GDPR Regulations: What We Are Doing to Secure Your Data Privacy

reesmarx | Global Recruitment and Business Expansion

The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) takes effect on May 25, 2018.   To adhere to regulation compliance, reesmarx is providing full disclosure about our retention, storage and use of personal data, and the steps we have taken to give our candidates more control over their personal data. What Personal Data Does Our Business Retain […]