4 Ways to Keep Candidates Engaged in the Hiring Process
One of the common obstacles that businesses face while recruiting, is the loss of talented candidates. If the interview activities run over a long period of time, the most qualified candidates can ‘jump ship’ and start pursuing other opportunities. Even if they felt strong advocacy for your business and team. The term ‘out of sight, […]
5 Considerations to Help You Prepare for a Video Interview
Some recent surveys have reported that up to 60% of international businesses, leverage the video interview as part of the hiring process. Career professionals may be well-practiced in techniques for mastering an effective in-person or telephone interview, but with more companies hiring international candidates, the video interview can present some new challenges, if you are […]
5 Negative Comments You Should Avoid Sharing During a Job Interview
A professional recruiter will help a candidate feel relaxed and enjoy the interview process. It is not meant to be an interrogative experience, but rather an opportunity to see if there is a quality match in expertise, soft skills, performance orientation and expectation of work environment, between both the candidate and the employer. What you […]
Confidential Job Search and Best Practice Tips for Employed Professionals
One of the most daunting and sometimes intimidating aspects of searching for a new employer, is the process involved in preparing to interview, as well as some of the unfortunate and unexpected consequence of searching for a new role. In this article, we asked our recruiters to identify the top five most critical considerations that […]
How to Review and Prepare for Pre-Employment Assessments
The current global job market presents many challenges for employers, who are under increasing competition for qualified candidates. In many professional fields, the demand for experienced candidates is greater than the availability of them, particularly within specialties such as technology, management and executive leadership. The credentials and work history provided by applicants is the starting […]
Keep it Classy in an Exit Interview (Even If You’re Happy to Be Leaving)
Many organizations have dispensed with conducting exit interviews for a simple reason; an employee who wishes to leave on good terms is less likely to be completely honest. Since retaining a referral from your previous position, and building a portfolio of positive recommendations from past employers is so critical, employees are not always compelled to […]
3 Interview Questions You May Be Asked & Questions You Should Be Asking
The interview process is a combination of skill and fact checking, combined with character and psychological profiling. While recruiters and human resource professionals are not psychologists, they are highly trained in identifying acuity, strengths and potential personality conflicts when looking to place a professional within a business environment. It’s important to remember that even the […]
You Didn’t Get Hired: Five Steps You Should Take After an Unsuccessful Interview
Few things are as disappointing as hearing back from an interviewer, and learning that you haven’t progressed to the second interview phase for a job you really wanted. If you are unemployed or engaged in freelance or as a contractor, the pressure may be on to find a new full-time employer, and the news can […]
Will Employers Be Banned from Requesting Salary History in the Future?
In the United States, the problem of wage parity between women and men of equal experience and contribution in the workplace is being discussed at the legal level, according to an article in Forbes Magazine. The state of Massachusetts may become the first state to prevent employers from requiring a detailed salary history, as a term of […]