7 Research-Backed Business Strategies for Surviving a Recession

With the economy experiencing significant downturns in recent months, it’s no wonder that the question of whether a recession is coming has been on many business leaders’ minds. As most economic cycles follow a predictable pattern of growth and expansion, followed by retraction, we will likely see further contraction in the coming months. With customers […]

5 Things Top-Talent Wants From Employers

5 Things Top-Talent Wants From Employers

Finding and keeping the best team members is critical for any successful organization. But how do you do it? To build an impactful workforce, you need to know what today’s top talent seeks in an employer – luckily, this is achievable with the right action plan. Developing strategies that attract applicants who are up-to-date on […]

What Employers Need to Know When Hiring Global Talent – Webinar

What Employers Need to Know When Hiring Global Talent - Webinar | reesmarxGLOBAL

Interviews are your chance to learn more about your candidates beyond what you see on their resumes. The goal of any successful interview is to determine whether your candidate’s skills, experiences, and personality characteristics are those that will benefit your company the most. Since interviews are such an important part of the employee selection process, […]

Globinar: The Importance of Education for a Global Career

Globinar: The Importance of Education for a Global Career | reesmarxGLOBAL

The Global Chamber is co-hosting an important debate with reesmarx. This is a debate on education necessity (4-year+ degrees from colleges), and we will not be speaking of Doctors, Engineers, etc. …this will be focused on more business-minded roles (ie Sales, Marketing, Operations, Finance, etc.).  Moderator: Ericha Hartz – Global Partnership Director at reesmarx. Keynote Speakers: There will […]

​5 Factors That Will Cause Post-Pandemic Employee Turnover

​5 Factors That Will Cause Post-Pandemic Employee Turnover | reesmarxGLOBAL

The transition to a full staff on premises may be a slow one for businesses in many countries. While organizations are evaluating strategies to bring some of their team back to work in-office, the Covid-19 health crisis makes long-term planning difficult. Shutdowns are still the first defense in controlling infection rates, and that can bring […]

3 Strategies to Strengthen Work Resilience

3 Strategies to Strengthen Work Resilience | reesmarxGLOBAL

One year ago, the Novel Covid-19 virus was being watched carefully.Reports from China indicated that the respiratory virus was spreading quickly.But in other countries, it had yet to appear.And business for the interim, went on as normal. Within months Covid-19 became a global pandemic. As it was the first global health crisis since 1918, every […]

​Does a Four Day Work Week Make Sense?

​Does a Four Day Work Week Make Sense? | reesmarxGLOBAL

Employers have considered it for many roles.After all, does it matter how many days per week your team works, or the productivity within those hours?Traditional management and scheduling models are being challenged by the rapid adoption of remote work during the Covid-19 health emergency.And some businesses are asking the question, once more. There are both […]

7 Skills That High-Performing Sales Professionals Need to Have Right Now

7 Skills That High-Performing Sales Professionals Need to Have Right Now | reesmarxGLOBAL

Candidates who are interested in a career in sales, start at the entry-level.  First roles are typically inbound sales, generating or processing customer leads into conversions for their employer.  A career in sales can also lead to rapid advancement if the professional demonstrates a strong aptitude for creating measurable results. What are the core skills […]

7 Career Advancement Strategies for Technology Professionals

7 Career Advancement Strategies for Technology Professionals | reesmarxGLOBAL

In almost every high-growth business market, technology professionals are in high demand, as businesses migrate to more complex operational needs to stay competitive in the global market.  The technology sector is constantly evolving and innovating, and professionals employed in IT, security, software development or management roles must keep pace with the rapid changes, to remain […]