The Impact of A.I. on Recruitment

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way we work and means that technology can now undertake a number of tasks, once performed by humans. This has received mixed reviews in recent years. Many are concerned about the future of certain jobs as AI continues to evolve and increasingly finds its way into the workplace. In […]
What Tech Professionals Need to Know About the Fast Forward Accelerator

What Tech Professionals Need to Know About the Fast Forward Accelerator At first mention, the term ‘tech non-profit’ seems like a misnomer, as technology organizations around the global top the list of Fortune 500 companies. But a new generation of non-profit technology start-up organizations are aiming for more than an impressive bottom line; they are […]
5 Ways to Tell the Difference Between a Difficult Employee and an Innovator

When it comes to human resource management, a critical skill is the ability to recognize talent within your organization. In every team, there are star performers; individuals who do a good job of showcasing their productivity and abilities. Management teams can be challenged however by individuals with high performance indicators, and lower agreeability, in terms […]
10 Ways Achieving Career Goals is Linked to Satisfaction In Life

How Achieving Career Goals is Linked to Improved Happiness and Satisfaction in Life If you are not happy in your current career, or within a job that you have held with the same employer for a long period of time, you can start with a personal career inventory to evaluate what changes you may consider […]
Finding Talent: The Advantage of Hiring International Remote Workers

The universal challenge that businesses face, whether SME or large corporation, is the ongoing need to find, recruit and retain skilled employees. The conventional bureaucratic norms of the average workplace are shifting rapidly, as fluid mobile technology has made it possible to work seamlessly from anywhere in the world. Telecommuting is another digital transformation that […]
Does Salary Increase Job Satisfaction and Retention?

The uptick in business and economic growth worldwide in 2016 has encouraged employees, and increased expectations for salary growth to be commensurate with economic recovery. That was the finding of a recent survey “Respect at Work Boosts Job Satisfaction” compiled by the Society for Human Resource Management, in a recent report published in 2016. Insights from the […]
Keep it Classy in an Exit Interview (Even If You’re Happy to Be Leaving)

Many organizations have dispensed with conducting exit interviews for a simple reason; an employee who wishes to leave on good terms is less likely to be completely honest. Since retaining a referral from your previous position, and building a portfolio of positive recommendations from past employers is so critical, employees are not always compelled to […]
How Organizations Can Address Gender Pay Gaps with Transparency

Society has changed, and the responsibility for financially supporting a family have shifted from one-income families, to two-income models. Even with two incomes, many studies reveal that couples strongly participate in giganomics, or a small, part-time business to supplement household income. In today’s global economy, it is rare to find a household that operates based solely […]
Four Essential Soft Skills for Technology Professionals

There is a misconception in the industry, that technology professionals do not require most (if not all) the interpersonal skills that other careers require. When you first think of a career in technology, do you imagine sitting alone, behind a screen programming, designing or working with data? While those solitary kinds of roles do exist, […]