Reflecting on 2023 and Forecasting 2024 – Insights from reesmarxGLOBAL

2023 was a year that tested the mettle of businesses globally. Despite the headwinds of economic and geopolitical instability, reesmarxGLOBAL demonstrated resilience, adapting swiftly to changing market dynamics. While the year echoed some patterns of 2022, particularly in client engagement, we observed unique trends and opportunities that shaped our strategy and operations. 2023: A Year […]

Understanding Diverse Global Talent Pools: A Key to Unlocking Business Success

Diversification isn’t just limited to investments in the rapidly evolving business landscape. It’s a principle that can and should be applied to one of your most valuable assets: human capital. Globalization has created a level playing field, making it possible for companies to source talent from every corner of the world. Understanding diverse talent pools […]

Don’t Let a Toxic Culture Drive Your Best Employees Away

It’s no secret that toxic workplace cultures can lead to high employee turnover. In fact, recent research has revealed that toxic workplace cultures are one of the main drivers of the Great Resignation that is currently sweeping the nation. As business leaders grapple with how to hold on to their best employees in the face […]

Globinar – Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) in Recruiting, Leading and Innovating

Globinar - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) in Recruiting, Leading and Innovating | reesmarxGLOBAL

The Global Chamber is co-hosting an important debate with reesmarx. Sometimes companies attempt to bring DEI as a priority can be approached in a much better way – “needing to hit quotas of diverse groups” vs really just looking at the candidate’s qualifications. And on the other side of that, sometimes Clients have stereotypes that stop […]

What Employers Need to Know When Hiring Global Talent – Webinar

What Employers Need to Know When Hiring Global Talent - Webinar | reesmarxGLOBAL

Interviews are your chance to learn more about your candidates beyond what you see on their resumes. The goal of any successful interview is to determine whether your candidate’s skills, experiences, and personality characteristics are those that will benefit your company the most. Since interviews are such an important part of the employee selection process, […]

Florida Destination Guide

Florida Destination Guide | reesmarxGLOBAL

There are so many places to consider for US business expansion that it can be challenging to narrow down the list. Look for a location in the US that matches its business climate to your growth needs. More specifically, pay particular attention to key factors such as the state’s economic status, industrial growth rates, and […]

Argentina Destination Guide

Argentina Destination Guide | reesmarxGLOBAL

There are so many places to consider for international business expansion that it can be challenging to narrow down the list. Look for a location that matches in its business climate to your growth needs. Consider Argentina, which may pose risks for you to consider, but has plenty of potential rewards for the international business […]