The CDO Summit

The CDO Summit addresses the challenges and opportunities arising from AI, big data, the cloud, digital disruption, and social and mobile media. When we think of digital transformation, we often think about how tech impacts different industries — how Uber shook up the taxi marketplace and Airbnb transformed the hotel industry. But the truth is digital […]

New York Destination Guide

When it comes to business expansion, there are a lot of factors to consider. You want to choose a location that will offer the right climate for your business to grow. You also want to ensure that the state you choose has a strong economy and is home to industries relevant to your business. Additionally, […]

California Destination Guide

With nearly 40 million residents, California is the most populous state in the US and is also one of the most diverse. The Golden State boasts a thriving economy and is home to some of the world’s biggest businesses, so could it be an ideal place to expand your own company? California is an excellent […]

Georgia, U.S. Destination Guide

As the United States continues to be the top destination for foreign direct investment (FDI), it’s no surprise that numerous companies are considering expansion into new markets. And with good reason—expanding your business can lead to increased market share, improved brand visibility, and access to new talent pools. But with so many states to choose […]

Benelux Destination Guide

Benelux Destination Guide | reesmarx

As a business leader, you’re always looking for ways to grow your company. Entering new markets is a great way to do this, and the Benelux Union might be the perfect place for your company’s expansion. Comprised of Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, the Benelux Union is an economic powerhouse with a GDP of over […]

North Carolina Destination Guide

North Carolina Destination Guide | reesmarxGLOBAL

It can feel daunting having so many viable places to consider for US business expansion — which state should you choose? First, look to match a location’s business climate to your growth needs. Pay particular attention to critical factors such as the state’s economic status, top industries, and workforce quality to help shorten your list […]

Canada Destination Guide

Destination Guide Canada | reesmarxGLOBAL

Are you exploring the idea of global expansion to Canada? As you know, there are always risks in expanding to new markets, but if Canada’s opportunities outweigh your business risks, then it may just be the ideal destination for your global business expansion. To assess Canadian expansion potential for your business, consider the economic stability, […]

Leading Through the Great Resignation

Leading Through the Great Resignation | reesmarxGLOBAL

Work-life will never be the same. People think it will all go back to the way it was before The Great Resignation, but it won’t. Employers may be misjudging just how much life has changed for their employees in the past few years. Overwhelming work and life conditions, even before the pandemic, have led to […]

3 Ways to Prepare Your Global Business for a Recession

3 Ways to Prepare Your Global Business for a Recession | reesmarxGLOBAL

Recessions occur at different times and for different industries across the globe, so the risk is always there for economic downturns to impact your global business. In the midst of so much economic, political, and trade uncertainty, building a recession plan before you need it is a good idea. Below are 3 ways you can […]