reesmarx | Global Recruitment and Business Expansion
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Glyn Rees

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Intelligent Questions to Ask the Interviewer

Don’t hesitate to ask questions about a position or company during the interview
process; interviewers expect you to ask questions. In fact, candidates who do not ask
questions are often eliminated from consideration.

Make sure that your questions indicate that you have done your homework and know
a great deal about the position and company. The following are examples of questions
you may want to ask during an interview:

  • What are the typical first year assignments?
  • What type of training program do you offer new employees?
  • What do you see as the greatest challenge in this position?
  • What opportunities exist for professional growth and development?
  • What are the company’s plans for future growth?
  • What makes your firm different from its competitors?
  • How would you describe the work environment?
  • Is it the company’s policy to promote from within?
  • What characteristics does a successful person have at your company?
  • How would you describe the typical day on the job?
  • How are employees evaluated and promoted?
  • What are the typical career paths? What are realistic time frames?
  • How has working at this company influenced your personal and professional

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