Coaching Services

At reesmarxGLOBAL, we offer a range of career development coaching services to individual clients and organisations. Led by co-founder and Jen Dalgleish PCC, our area of expertise is supporting clients to navigate change, work through career transitions, and facilitate reflective learning, self development, performance and overall well-being.  

reesmarx | Global Recruitment and Business Expansion

Jen Dalgleish, PCC

Global Talent & Career Coaching

Jen’s passion for coaching evolved over 25 years working in career management, recruitment and HR. Working closely with senior leaders and individuals across all disciplines, she is passionate about coaching clients during periods of career advancement, change and transition.  

We help clients recognize what might be getting in the way of what they want and to identify approaches and actions so they can reach their desired goals and outcomes.

Coaching for Organisations

Discover how our coaching services can support your organisation through corporate coaching packages.
Coaching in organization and leadership settings is an invaluable tool for developing people across a wide range of needs. It can increase retention, employee engagement, improve performance, help identify strengths and development opportunities, empower individuals to take responsibility and demonstrate a commitment to individual well-being and personal development.

Coaching for Individuals

Individual career coaching helps you reach a deeper appreciation of your skills, strengths, achievements and values, leading to personal growth and greater career fulfilment.
The career coaching journey enables you address career related issues and make career decisions in a way that aligns with your potential and personal values. As a result, you may benefit from increased self-awareness and confidence, optimized individual/teamwork performance, improved work/life balance, increased well-being, career enhancement, improved relationships and more effective communication skills.

Explore Coaching

Our career choices are often impacted by a multitude of factors, many of which are shared amongst most – regardless of industry or seniority level. Individuals who pursue career coaching with us do so for a plethora of reasons.

Some of those factors include:

  • Transitioning to a more senior / new role
  • Lacking in self confidence
  • Returning to work following an absence
  • Struck in a work related rut and lacking direction
  • Feeling unfulfilled and/or lacking purpose at work
  • Unsure of motivations, skills, strengths, and values
  • Needing job search support, interview practice, and/or CV writing
  • Looking for career progression 
  • Onboarding into a new organisation

Benefits & Outcomes

Our career coaching sessions are tailored specifically to your needs and designed to focus on your personal objectives and desired outcomes. The sessions use carefully selected exercises, tools and coaching skills to help you gain greater self awareness and insight into your career and to make meaningful decisions. Throughout the coaching journey you will have time to think for yourself and support to recognize obstacles and identify approaches and actions to enable you to progress towards the goals and outcomes you wish to achieve.

The benefits of coaching are wide-ranging. Positive impacts include: 

  • Feeling empowered and more self confident 
  • Being better equipped to make meaningful career decisions
  • Having a deeper appreciation for your personal skills, strengths, and motivators
  • Re-designing your current role or re-training 
  • Having the confidence to develop your own business
  • Making personal developments outside of the workplace
  • Adopting new work patterns and habits
  • Recommiting to your current work role
  • Making a big-leap or radical career change

Career Coaching Services

Begin with a complimentary consultation to help us find out more about you, what you’re looking to achieve, and how we can be of assistance to you. Throughout the consultation, we will guide you through our coaching process and approach as well as answer any questions you might have for us about our services. 

Our 1-2-1 Career Coaching Program consists of 4-6 meetings, tailored to meet your personal needs and objectives. Throughout the sessions, your coach will facilitate in depth discussion and analysis of your needs and use carefully selected exercises and coaching skills to support the process. 

We also offer Group Workshops where you can share ideas with others and coincidingly benefit from their own input. These workshops serve as a gentle introduction to networking and help you to feel more comfortable knowing that others are in a similar situation.

reesmarx | Executive Recruiting Service
Coaching sessions with Jen were hugely beneficial. I was about to embark on a career change and really needed to focus in on my skills, values, and interests at a time when it was easy to lose sight of all this. It was so useful to have someone help me focus and prioritise and with such clarity! I would highly recommend the career coaching programme.
Katie Labadie
Founder & Buyer

Pricing & Packages

We offer:

  • Ad-hoc sessions
  • Group sessions/workshops
  • Full-service coaching programs

A quote for coaching sessions is provided following our complimentary consultation meeting where we are able to get a better understanding of your desired goals and outcomes. 

Prices will vary depending on the chosen package and your individual requirements. A coaching agreement will be provided in writing and is subject to our Terms & Conditions. 

Our coaches are ICF accredited and adhere to the Global Code of Ethics for Coaches & Mentors.

Contact Us

Ready to watch your business grow?

We are always open to new inquiries regarding how we can help your business reach success through global recruitment, expansion, and growth-centered initiatives.

If you have any questions concerning what we do here at reesmarxGLOBAL or if you’re ready to make the next step and take your business to the next level, please contact us using the form.