China Destination Guide

China Destination Guide | reesmarxGLOBAL

Looking to scale up quickly? China may be the smart move for your company! The trick to smart global expansion is to look for a location that matches its business climate to your growth needs. More specifically, pay particular attention to key factors such as the country’s economic status, quality of workforce, and industrial strength […]

Florida Destination Guide

Florida Destination Guide | reesmarxGLOBAL

There are so many places to consider for US business expansion that it can be challenging to narrow down the list. Look for a location in the US that matches its business climate to your growth needs. More specifically, pay particular attention to key factors such as the state’s economic status, industrial growth rates, and […]

United Arab Emirates Destination Guide

United Arab Emirates Destination Guide | reesmarxGLOBAL

You’ve decided you want to go global, so now it’s time to decide where! There are a few areas to keep in mind and assess for potential: economic strength, leading industries, workforce quality, and investment opportunities. In this destination guide, we’ll be taking a look at one of the best countries for doing business— the […]

Argentina Destination Guide

Argentina Destination Guide | reesmarxGLOBAL

There are so many places to consider for international business expansion that it can be challenging to narrow down the list. Look for a location that matches in its business climate to your growth needs. Consider Argentina, which may pose risks for you to consider, but has plenty of potential rewards for the international business […]

Netherlands Destination Guide

Netherlands Destination Guide | reesmarxGLOBAL

You’ve decided you want to go global, so now it’s time to choose your target destination. Luckily, you’re at the right place! When you’re deciding on where to head next, there are a few areas to deeply consider: economic strength, leading industries, workforce quality, and investment opportunities. In this destination guide, we’ll be taking a […]

Australia Destination Guide

Australia Destination Guide | reesmarxGLOBAL

As you begin sorting through locations all around the globe to start your business expansion journey, it’s always good to consider what opportunities your ideal location can offer. Looking at key factors such as economic status, industrial growth rates, and potential investment opportunities can help you to narrow down your list of candidates. Fortunately, Australia’s […]

Brazil Destination Guide

Brazil Destination Guide | reesmarxGLOBAL

Have you started considering global business expansion? It’s important that when looking for a new place to begin your journey towards global growth that you find a country that best fits your business’s mission and values while also promoting its success. This decision can be a difficult one to make with so many countries now […]

How a Talent Shortage Affects Recruiters

How a Talent Shortage Affects Recruiters | reesmarxGLOBAL

It’s easy to say that over the last few years the global recruitment industry has been amid a talent shortage “epidemic.” Of course, the covid-19 pandemic majorly contributed to the ever-shrinking pool of talent, but it’s not the only culprit. Today, there are hiring signs and job listings everywhere you look. This observation naturally begs […]

Portugal Destination Guide

Portugal Destination Guide | reesmarxGLOBAL

Thinking of launching your startup business overseas? Or are you looking to globalize your preexisting business? It’s important when you begin your journey towards global expansion that you find a country that best fits your business’s mission and values. This decision can be difficult to make with so many countries now offering diverse benefits regarding […]